5 pack of irregular shaped top glass wick holders with a raised flame design. These wick holders were made by our glass blowers for our artsy customers who wanted an irregular shape top flange for their rock candles and their mason jar oil candles. This wick holder pack is priced lower and we have no return on these wick holders. They do work great for those creative artsy oil candle looks. Each wick holder includes a round wick to fit each wick holder.
You may order extra wick to fit these wick holders here - Oil Candle Wick Cotton/Fiberglass 4.2mm
- overall length 1" (28mm)
- length under flange 3/4" (16mm)
- height above flange 1/4" (6mm)
- the flange width is varied in irregular shape but it is always at least 1/2" wide at the narrowest point
- OD 1/4"
- ID 1/8"
Drill holes 5/16" to prevent breaking the tube and this allows the candle to breathe.